Saturday, October 24, 2009

Exciting Weeks Ahead!

Dear Family & Friends,

We are preparing for our departure to FMI's Missions Training this coming Tuesday, Oct. 27th. We will be in training venues daily until Nov. 6th. The books we have had to read have been wonderful. We have especially enjoyed John Amstutz's book "Disciples of All Nations". This is so well written and so challenging. I wish I had read this book 40 years ago and then re-read it yearly, but it was just written this year. There is a study guide, present in the book, created by Gary Matsdorf and it is excellent for doing in a class with others. It is not information that I have not known, but it is formulated and shared in a unique and anointed manner that prompts the heart and spirit to process it all anew, and draws you up to a new level of understanding The Great Commission of Christ for all of us. I just really recommend this book for every church and every leader.

We want all of you to be able to follow our "adventure", so I'm going to share a tentative itinerary for the months of Nov. & Dec. As the Training venue closes on Friday, Nov. 6th we will head back home to Indio, wash cloths, check mail and re-pack to leave for the east coast. We will be re-uniting with our daughter Denise, who will be here on the mainland for a TDY with the Air force. She will have a few days in Virginia at Dawn (our oldest daughter), Ray and their children, Quinn & Quincy's home. We will be there until Denise's departure back to Guam where she is stationed. We will also be visiting the Mt. Vernon Foursquare Church, where our children attend. We look forward to seeing many dear and long-time friends while there.

Near the end of November we will be heading north to New England to visit the Portuguese-speaking Foursquare Churches in the NE area. They have all been very supportive of our plan to accept FMI's invitation to return to Brazil for a season of mentoring and supportive serving.
We will be blessed to accept several other invitations to share in our English-speaking churches that desire to reconnect with us, and give prayer support to what is happening in our lives and the Brazilian church.

We want to thank Dr. Cairo Marques & his very dear wife, Iracy, who have been 100% with us in this project and been so encouraging. They share oversight of the Portuguese-speaking churches under the leadership of Jim & Melinda Scott, the New England Supervisors.

Those of you who are prayer-partners, please continue to hold us up in this respect. We are in a "applicant/candidate" status in the sending process, even though we were approached by our director, Jonathan Hall of FMI, and we must complete the entire process. It is a wonderful and enriching training and we are benefiting greatly. Just please continue to pray with us, as this is totally a "faith" venture on our part and we are completely reliant on God for this season of the journey.

We especially want to thank so many of you who made great sacrifices in your budgets for our "Missionary Trip" to investigate the demographics and the"climate" of receptivity in Brazil; it was really overwhelming and we have had so many pastors and leaders share their desire to receive us back into the Brazilian Church for this season of ministry. We also share this great burden in our own hearts. We thank you for making that 3 months of ministry possible; we could not have gone without all the kindness and generosity of each one of you, as God prompted your hearts. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

As soon as we move from "applicant/candidate" status to "appointed" status we can formally do deputation to undergird our permanent return to Brazil. We desire your prayer for us as we complete all that is required. God will have to do the rest. Thank you dear family and friends for your loving prayers and support as we walk this path of faith. It is definitely a new level of trust for us and may God be glorified by our obedience and steadfastness in staying the course.

God bless until the next update,

Much love,
Dale & Patti

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dear Family & Friends,

This is an unforgettable experience!!!! Today, I'm sitting in the recording studio at LIFE Pacific College and it is absolutely incredible! We are here with the members and friends of the "Pilgrims" Quartet, of LIFE Bible College renown, during the late 1960's, recording an updated version of the songs that ministered to our generation during those days. All of these dear life-time friends and ministry colleagues had come together, while we were in Brazil, and planned a wonderful benefit concert to encourage us along the path of our potential return to Brazil for a season of further ministry. The concert will take place tomorrow night, Saturday, Oct. 17th on the campus of LIFE in San Dimas, CA.

We have so many people to thank and there is no earthly way to show our deep, deep gratitude for their selfless contribution of time, energy and resources, but we want all of you to know of their love and tireless work on our behalf. Please pray for the Lord to return to each one, many fold, all that has been sacrificed for this event and subsequent CD recording, which is being done as we speak.

You can catch pictures of the recording session in progress on Dale's FB page and possibly on mine before the day is over. We want to mention the folks who have made this possible. First of all we want to thank Pastor Jack Hayford for his participation, encouragement, prayer and recorded DVD introduction and commendation, of the project, and the quartet's participation. We are grateful to Bob Barnum, Steve Willis, Steve Von Hoff and Terry Runyon; the members of the quartet, and also for all the logistics of this incredible and unforgettable week-end. You wouldn't believe how much work has been involved! We thank Debbie Brown, of Christian Assembly and lifetime friend, originally from Iowa, Patti's home state, as well as, Linda Willis, Steve's wife and Karen (Willis) Teal, Steve's sister; they have been an integral part of all of the hospitality we are enjoying.

A very special thanks to Brad Palsma of LIFE Pacific College and Dr.s Robert Flores and James Walls, as well as, all the staff that have opened wide, the doors and of all these facilities for our use and enjoyment. A special thanks to Shawn Fitzlaff who has unbelievable patience as we do the studio work. We are so very grateful for all of this; we really do not know what to say; we are speechless. We pray that the Lord will return to each one of you, dear family and friends, many fold your loving work and sacrifice!

If you are in the area please know that you are invited to enjoy this night of celebration of 40 years for the Pilgrims and be a part of the "encouragement" team for Dale & I as we continue to walk in faith through this unbelievable and miraculous epoch of our lives and ministry.

The campus is located at; 1100 Covina Blvd., San Dimas, CA and the concert will be taking place on Sat. night Oct. 17th at 8:00 PM, though the doors will be open at 7:00 PM; If you simply get on campus, someone will be here to direct you to "The Loop" in the Roy Hicks, Jr. Building, where the concert will be held.

Thanks to each and every one of you who have been following with us during this great adventure, and have held our hands, as we walk through this door, and prayed for each an every step with us. May the Christ of the Church bless you.

Our love and prayer,
Dale & Patti

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Wind of the Spirit

Dear Family & Friends,
We are now one week into the precious life of Declan Rhys Basehore. He is definitely the MOST precious little guy I know. (No prejudice) ;)
Declan's big sister, Naomi has had, since birth, a condition known as PKU. It is a condition that requires the limiting of all the "protein" intake in her diet. Everything has to be made for her from special products that contain "a special protein" without 1 of the 7 amino acids. The result for these precious kids is, that if they are given regular food with regular protein, it causes brain damage. Since Debbie & Damian both carry the recessive genes for this the probability is high that Declan could also have this disorder. Of course we are all praying for a "good" report for him as he is being tested for PKU as we speak. We should have the results this coming Friday.
Declan is doing so well in every area, progressing along with strides and such a sweet personality. Grandma and Grandpa are really enjoying him. Debbie and Damian are very dedicated parents and are very loving with the children. Grandma has been enjoying listening to Naomi read nights, after homework. Damian, a Staff Sgt. in the Army and serving in S. Korea for a year, will need to return soon after our departure to finish his tour of duty. Please remember Debbie and the children as they get into a new routine without family nearby. She like so many "military family members" bravely and courageously offer this service to their country.
Last Saturday, Dale saw our son, First Sgt. Daniel Downs, and his assigned unit, off as they assumed their tour of duty in Afghanistan; we are all daily lifting then up for protection and wisdom as they serve in perilous places and during perilous times. After sharing a few and precious minutes of prayer and encouragement with Daniel, Dale headed out to Colorado to meet up with me and the family here to welcome Declan Rhys.
Our daughter Dawn & her husband Foursquare Chaplain, Commander Raymond Houk and their two children, Quinn (10) and Quincy (8) serve in Washington DC and are currently approaching retirement from the military and praying about full-time pastoring in the civilian world in the coming year.
Denise, our youngest, is serving with the Air Force, in Guam and is in her 7th year of enlisted duty. She is a Staff Sgt. and serves in the area of instruction for readiness, for all ranks and even on occasion other branches. She has been seriously busy during the recent typhoon scares that have threatened that island. She enjoys the local Foursquare Church on the island, pastored by Caesar & Anna Crisostomo, who have lovingly taken her under-wing in their church. :)
On the Brazilian front, we request your ongoing prayer concerning our future plans. We feel that this is God's direction for our lives at this juncture, and have had it confirmed in so many different ways, that it is hard to imagine that this would not be God's plan. Before we are able to return to Brazil for any type of ministry we must have an official letter of invitation to enter Brazil and lend ourselves to the ongoing ministry there. This letter must come from our elected President of the Brazilian Foursquare Church, Rev. Mario de Oliveira. It must be clear to him and the National Board that there is a need for our presence, and ministry gifts in the church, in Brazil. They must then officially request our deployment there, before we can return to serve.
It is certain that we do not want to be anywhere where God does not need or want us; so we are seriously praying that God will speak and move the hearts of the leaders, should it be His will for us to return to Brazil for this season. Our tenure there in the 80's, was for the specific purpose of walking the Brazilian Church through a "bridge-point" of change from North American supervision and leadership to national supervision and leadership. This we were able to accompany and then returned to the states, in Nov. of 1991; a new leadership team installed who were good men of great integrity. They led the Brazilian Foursquare Church for 4 of their most fruitful and spiritually dynamic years.
Following this administration a new leadership team took office and has lead for the subsequent 16 years. There are 2 remaining years in the current leadership's tenure. We are praying for God's direction for the Brazilian Foursquare Church and for His future selection of new leaders. Please join us in this prayer, it is a crucial time for them. Our presence this time would be mainly for the purpose of encouraging the pastors and leaders as they enter this new phase. The present model throughout many denominations, as well as our own church in Brazil, has taken on a seriously political "form" that matches closely with the nation's political model, and the majority of our spiritual shepherds not only in Foursquare, but many other Spirit-led groups, as well, feel that there is a Holy Spirit inspired wind of change calling for a less political church to emerge. We are praying for God's direction in all of this.
As we return to So. Cal, this coming week, heading for LIFE Pacific to be a part of the "Pilgrim's Quartet" 40 year reunion and concert, we are nearly speechless. This group of dear friends from the distant past, have come into our present, and with good-will in their hearts, full of generous grace, they have planned a benefit concert to help underwrite our need for self-support during this period of ministry to Brazil. Join with us as we continue to "ask, seek and knock" on all of these issues.
God bless you, dear family, friends and brothers and sisters in Christ,
Dale & Patti