Saturday, February 6, 2010

God's Journey Back to Gilgal for Healing

Dear Family & Friends,
Freezing cold wind, cozy car and a beautiful scenic highway; there we were on our way from Woodbridge, VA to Decatur, IL. This would be our first visit back together to the Decatur Foursquare Church since our farewell in June of 1997. We were so looking forward to seeing and experiencing what God has been doing, as well as, seeing many life-long and very dear friends. Excitement vibrating in our hearts and minds we pulled over in Cambridge, OH to take a call from the FMI office. Immediately following the call we headed back onto I-70 East, when a warning chime went off and signaled for us to check the heat gauge, which was in the red zone by then. Getting off at the very next exit we headed to a near-by truck garage. They checked the engine, and by now the car could not move without being towed. It was towed to the Jeep dealer in that city and the bad news was that the engine was gone and would need to be replaced. The estimate was nearly $7000. We were stunned! I could just see Dale sinking further and further into his chair. We stopped and prayed asking God to intervene.
After a few calls to check with friends for any other options it was decided to tow the car to Decatur where a very dear man who is a mechanic in the church checked the engine out and gave us his version of the situation. Just a side note: the owner, himself, of the tow company, took the day off, and drove us (Dale & me) in the cab with him, as he towed the car. It was a divine appointment and for 8 hours we were able to minister to this dear man.
The Decatur mechanic shop owner, also a member of the church, checked out our situation and gave us an estimate of 1/2 of the estimate we had received in Ohio. (No offense Ohioans) PTL. That very Sunday we were to be guests in the Decatur Church and share about the plan to return to Brazil and what we would be doing this ministry season there. The kindness and generosity of this church and its loving members covered all of the cost of the replaced engine. This was a huge miracle for us. We have much for which to give thanks! We are now awaiting the engine to be completed and then we will head for Aurora, CO to dedicate our new grandson, Declan Rhys, Debbie & Damian's son.
During our short sojourn here in Decatur we have been so lovingly received and hosted by dear life-long friends. We had the joy of being received by Pastors David & Lori Catron in the two Sunday morning services; it was a wonderful and unforgettable experience. The building and ministry of this church has so grown and is effectively touching so many dimensions of this area that we cannot help but be very blessed that we were able to be a very small part of their honorable history. We were blessed to see Mrs. Erickson, Lori's mother, who for all intents and purposes, was a mentor for us, at the very commencement of our public ministry. We have been very privileged in our lifetime to have had so many incredibly rich relationships and to have received so much from servants of the Lord, such as Mrs. Erickson.
Tuesday morning I (Patti) had the joy of sharing with a women's Bible study hosted by the church and again was able to renew so many life-long friendships, as well as, make some new ones. It was a very special time of sharing about the hope we have in Christ in the midst of what seems to be hopeless times.
On Wednesday evening we were just amazed as we entered the Monticello, IL Foursquare Church known as, "Open Hearts Foursquare Church", pastored by Dave & Ellen Stogsdill. This amazing church has literally "opened their hearts" to hundreds of teens to see their lives changed and discipled. That night there were approximately a hundred kids present. Pastor Rod & Sam Burris (a couple who were kids in the Decatur church when we pastored there) have taken these kids under wing and are growing them up in Christ. Wow! They gathered around us and prayed for us. It was an awesome moment. :) Very dear life-long friends, Ken & Polly Schnipp have helped in the formation and progress of this body of believers. Isn't it amazing how God knits his gifts together to do a work for His Glory. What a joy to see Bill & Brenda Tolly whom we have know so long that neither of us care to count. :)
We also had a very special reunion with Rev. Jim & Loni Newcome, remembering some of the unique times we shared at the very beginning of both of our ministries together in the Decatur church 40 years ago. Part of the joy was catching up on the lives of our children and grandchildren together.
I must draw all this to a close...what a week we have had. Thanks to all of you who lift us up in prayer and maintain our cause before the Lord. Oh yes! In the midst of all of this excitement we got word that Jonathan Hall had received the long awaited letter that we have been praying for to enable our re-entry into Brazil; he literally had it in his hand. That was just icing on the cake.
Our most earnest prayer request is for Denise, our youngest daughter; she is being checked out this coming Tues., Feb. 9th, due to the results of a biopsy she had; part of which was pre-cancerous. We would so appreciate your prayer for her. She is serving in the Air force in Guam.
God bless dear family and friends,
Dale & Patti :)