Thursday, September 24, 2009

Awaiting Our New Grandson :)

Dear Family & Friends,
Dale is in Brazil tonight experiencing the last night of the São Paulo State Pastor's Convention. It has been a thrilling event and he has communicated that many positive decisions were made during this event. I (Patti) flew home on Friday 9/17-18 and was whisked home by my dear friend Vickie Ingle. A few hours later she and her husband Cliff brought dinner by and we shared a meal. A few more hours of sleep, repacked suitcase, and Carlos & Tammy Peña picked me up to whisked me back to LAX, where I headed off to Colorado to be with Debbie, our daughter, as she prepares to give birth any day to our 4th grandchild.
Damian her husband, who serves in the Army and is stationed in S. Korea, flew into the same Denver airport on the same airline and we arrived minutes apart facilitating airport journeys for Debbie and Naomi (our 6 year old granddaughter). All of this was without trying to plan it that way. It could only be the Lord and His kind facilitation of all of this travel.
All is ready here and we are only awaiting those "contractions" that make it all possible. Dale will arrive at LAX on Saturday 9/26 after an all night flight and will be preparing for a trip to Denver to join me. I know he will have much to share about the final week he spent in Brazil and we will see that you are all informed. The next few weeks are somewhat unsettling so we sincerely appreciate your continued prayer.
We need to sell our home; pack up all our remaining belongings; store them away and head off to LA to finish our Foursquare Missions Department's training update. We will need to await their official acceptance (remember this trip was a trial run) for deployment. This will all take place after we make a much awaited stop at LIFE Pacific College where "The Pilgrim's Quartet" will probably make their last formal appearance before they are called to sing before the King Himself, in Heaven. :) I'm not trying to be morbid...just imagining that we are all heading in different directions once again after this special concert. We are deeply grateful for all the background work that Debby Brown has done, assisted by each member of the quartet and other special friends, in order to make this special event possible. Dale and I have been blown away by all of the outpouring of love and excitement surrounding this event and the ministry opportunity door that continues opening into the country of Brazil for a season.
Well, I will be posting again as soon as our new grandson is bouncing on my knee. :)
God bless each one and thank you for your continued prayers.
Much love,
Dale & Patti

Friday, September 11, 2009

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Dear Family & Friends,

Last Sunday Sept. 6th we had a most interesting Sunday at the Central Church during the morning service. I must say that since my earliest memories of Brazilians they were and continue to be the most flexible and positive minded & hearted folks. The electricity was turned off in the barrio where the SEDE is located. I never heard even one complaint...amazing. Everyone just said "we'll find a way"..."God is here and so are we" there was a precious service that Sunday morning. It was communion Sunday and the Traditional Choir was to sing. They had happened to ask Patti to play for them and since there was no power they needed to use the "real" piano. It was really a unique time of "worship & celebration of the Lord's Supper" together with no need for all the normal accrutraments. I remembered a teaching I heard Pastor Jack give several years back entitled "What will the church do when they pull the plug?" or something like that. Well, now we know. It just goes on and God blesses and makes different options available.

On Monday Dale was hit by some sort of bug and bless his heart he was really under it. We had scheduled two appointments and we went forward with them; I dare say he probably doesn't remember much about them. We had lunch with the former head of the Missionary Information Bureau here in Sao Paulo. We enjoyed catching up with Diane Bectel after which we met with a very dear lady who ministered to our family in may practical ways while we lived in Brazil. Her name is Terezinha. She and her daughter met us for refreshments at a nearby mall and we recounted our family histories during these years of separation.

On Monday night Dale had a fever until we prayed and rebuked it in Jesus Name and immediately he began to get better and the fever went. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ! Tuesday he awoke with renewed strength and has felt only "better" each day since. Tuesday night I (Patti ) shared with a class of people who meet here at the Central Church to study "Child Evangelism". I was personally amazed at the insights the Holy Spirit highlighted for me from His interactions with children and from His very own childhood. I was meditating on what Jesus was doing when His parents found him in the Temple. He was "sitting" "listening" and "asking questions". I suddenly saw that there is a window of time in the lives of young people around 12 years of age and if we do not allow them to "sit" with us "listen" to our conversations about life with Christ, and "ask questions" someone else will and we will run a great risk of loosing their souls and lives to the kingdom of darkness. It is all too easy to shove kids onto the TV, Video games, etc., and forget to include them in our lives at this highly "vulnerable" and "open" age. I wish it were possible to regain all of the "selfish self-centered" moments I let slip by with my own children. I'm thankful that God is a God of second-chances and has redeemed many of these opportunities for us.

It seems that each time we seek the Lord for what we should share He is giving us wonderful fresh insights in His "living" Word. Dale has been able to spend some rich quality time with many pastors and staff members from various churches in the area, ministering and listening to their hearts. On Wednesday we headed out to visit the Sao Paulo State District Office of Foursquare Churches. This is the largest state office and sets the pace for nearly all the rest. We met with the dynamic president of this district, Rev. Rocco Digilio Filho and his super competent staff. This district office is set in a beautiful 4 floor office building and makes great use of all of it. There was an entire department of publicity, with a staff of graphic designers and a radio studio, with plans for a Television studio in the near future. It was really amazing and impressive. Their theme for this year is the "Family". They have felt a tremendous need to help the pastors and leadership shore up the family structure throughout this trend-setting district which will then in-turn touch the entire Foursquare Church here in Brazil.

The State Secretary of Communications and Editor and Chief of the district's colorful ministry update "emFOCO", Rev. Waldir Kullian, kindly took time to introduce us to many of the departments and arranged for us to do a quick radio spot and shot for the "emFOCO" communication publication. It was a great blessing to see these brothers and sisters ministering with such excellence in their areas of expertise.

Tonight we will be meeting with a very dear pastor friend and his family to hear his history during these past 18 years. After our meeting and dinner we will head out to "The Valley of Blessing" a community outside of Sao Paulo where another Pastor friend and his family live to spend the night. Tomorrow morning we will be sharing with the pastors of his region in a pastors get together. Sunday will mark Patti's last Sunday here and we will be in church one last time with the Calvary International Church, long-time home of many of our children's now adult friends. Sunday evening we'll be ministering in the church of Walter de Lima located enroute to the city of Campinas. We look forward to renewing our relationship with him and knowing his congregation.

Well, folks, that is it for now. Hey, just one last thing. We had to take a taxi today to the church and when we arrived the taxi driver asked if he could come to this church; "Of course", we replied and he handed us his card. I asked him if he knew Jesus as his Savior and he said, "Yes, and I really need to be in church". Please pray for Pacheco who is going to be returning to an active Christian walk. People are just EVERYWHERE if we can get our vision re-focused on the needy world around us and on Christ's presence within us to meet the need.
God bless all of you dear ones!

We are blessed to be a blessing!!
Dale & Patti :) :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dear Family & Friends,

Time flies when you are having fun! And we have certainly been having an adventure. This past week we visited very long-time friends who live here in Sao Paulo and had dinner with them. Then just today I learned that this dear friend had suffered a heart attack two days before and had not realized it. We had a wonderful time of prayer with them and then left only to hear today of what had happened. I'm so glad and blessed that we were there and able to pray with them (after the fact) but before it was known what had happened. He is hospitalized and doing better. Please remember Anna & Alfredo.

Tuesday we used a rented car to go to the office of our old and dear friend Dr. Dankwart; we had to get updated physicals for our Mission's applications, so he started the process with us. It was a good visit, and as far as his findings, we are alive and well. It was a great reunion for us. He was the Dr. who cared for our whole family during the 9+ years we were here in Brazil. He just lost his wife after a long illness and so please remember him when you pray for us.

Wednesday was the day I spoke in the afternoon service in the central church, The SEDE. I experienced a great grace upon me for this service. I so appreciate any and all prayers, for us and those to whom we are ministering, because we are sensing the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to do things that seem beyond our ability. My message was from Heb. 9 thru 13. It was an expository message and dealt with the Old Covenant that was fulfilled and the arrival of the New Covenant and what it means to us. The title was "Little Miracle Tabernacles". The sense was that we are each "the temple" of the Holy Spirit. Since I have peaked your interest just send for the tape...just a wasn't taped. :)

Thursday we took a day of rest (I use that word advisedly) as we drove to several sights to check out important things with regards to our eventual return. We saw the available apartment and that was very helpful. It is definitely adaquate and has a lovely view. Geographically it is located too far from the city IF our work brings us daily to the city. So...we are praying and thinking about where our work should be based upon our return.

Let me just say that it is not possible to think..."Oh, I'll just run here and there and then get back". Travel in this city is absolutely a nightmare. This is not a negative is the truth. There are daily many deaths of "motorcyclists" who are errand boys. They travel between the lanes (on the lines) in a city of 20+ million and at least a million cars. Just while you are slowing at a stop light 5 or more of these "motorcyclists" will zoom on each side of your car and startle the life out of you. It would be so easy to hit one without knowing he was coming. Thanks for the prayer for safety, as we take a few trial runs through this incredible traffic. I (Patti) have not sat behind the wheel; Dale is, as usual, on the cutting edge of every impossibility.

Well, today Dale set out to change his ticket to remain for the Sao Paulo State Convention of Foursquare Pastors. Of course it took the entire day..."you just have to be there" to get the rhythm of this city and its traffic. He went one place and was then sent to the other side of the city to yet another. You just have to have a call for this, folks. :)

This Sunday I was asked to accompany the Communion Choir here at the central church while they sing. I practiced music I had never heard before and finally got it down on the keyboard, when word came that Sunday morning the electricity will be off in our region during the service. :) I remembered a line from a teaching that Pastor Jack Hayford did in New England while we were serving there. It was: "What will the church do if they pull the plug?" Well, I guess we will find out this Sunday.

God bless all of you and keep on praying, it is making a huge difference in everything.

Dale & Patti :)