Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dear family & friends,

We have had an adventurous weekend and are off and running this week also. We were able to visit a church where our children had many classmates that attended. Actually quite a few are here ministering and or living still in Brazil and the church is really growing and extremely healthy. What a great blessing. Childhood friends of our children are now in roles of leadership in this church. Nathanael Fawcett one of the principal pastors spoke and it was a truly life-giving. He was as a teen-ager one of our son's best friends. They still maintain contact. What a blessing it was to hear him deliver the Word with such grace and anointing. You could feel the truth settling into each heart. We are still rejoicing over the worship and the Word which we experienced.

Later we returned to the SEDE (Central Church) and had a meeting to encourage the Deacons and Deaconesses. Dale spoke from the passage where Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. It was very meaningful and challenging.

From that meeting we immediately went to a city about 40 min. away and preached and shared in the evening service after which we returned to the center and had dinner with the pastor of the Central church and part of his family.

Monday we spent the day updating our family by Skype and studying for the Monday night Institute class which we team taught on the life of John the Baptist.

Today, Tuesday we are going together with the pastor to a meeting of regional pastors; it should be a special time. We will update you again soon. l

God bless, dear friends and family,

Our love, Dale & Patti :) :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dear family & friends,

Another few days have passed by and we are perceiving, a little better every day, a deeper understanding of the complicated dynamics of the culture as it has passed through so many changes in the past 18 years.

Some recent painful changes in our own US government's manner of seriously grasping "control" has enabled us now to understand the pain of "disillusionment" that takes place when long hoped for change is prohibited by spiritual forces that keep the door held shut to needed change.

The Brazilian nation has experienced many good and productive changes; the standard of living for the poor and middle class appears to have risen. The "Church" in Brazil has suffered a loss of credibility with true believers due to the insincerity of a few. I say the "Church" because there are branches of nearly every group that have suffered abuse and/or they are experiencing spiritual oppression. It is apparent in many faces that the "joy and innocence" has fled.

It is our hope and prayer that you will join with us in prayer to challenge any powerful abuse that is being experienced by the church and that not only our own "branch" will receive relief but all others as well.

With this said and the invitation issued to join us in concerted prayer, we still rejoice in the "remnant" that remains faithful to the message of the Kingdom of God, and enjoys spreading the Good News wherever they may go.

On a little more serious note and observation today;
Dale & Patti

Monday, August 17, 2009

Dear Friends and Family, :)

This past week-end was full of rich ministry opportunities and fellowship with churches and pastors. We were in the central church (SEDE) on Sunday morning for a "teaching" time. Dale taught on Acts chapter 10; it was so well received and we feel the language returning. We have actually spoken Portuguese with our children all of these years "now and then" and have keep a great portion, but upon our return we are remembering so much more.

The Pastor of the central church is such a very dear man and long-time friend. He and his family have gone way out of their way to meet our need of transportation, lodging and they even have provided office space in the church for us to work in. Please pray for Pastor Davi (David) and his precious family. They have made room for us at their table nearly daily and we have felt the warmth of their love and friendship. Please include in your prayers also the other pastoral staff members: Pastor Pedrinho and Pastora Ester; they serve a large congregation of 1200 congregants.

On Sunday night we were in a wonderful and growing work in Alphaville; a community that is somewhat "upper-class". We enjoyed a warm reception and we both had an opportunity to share with the congregation from the Word. As the congregation was worshiping I was so impressed by a mental picture from the Lord; it was a lateral view of the nation of Brazil and it was as though there was a glass ceiling over the country and it was "Sunday night from 6 PM to 8 PM" during this time I became aware that all over the nation tens of thousands of churches were all involve in powerful worship and I saw the Lord "dancing and rejoicing" on the surface of this glass ceiling. He was so excited; the verse from Zephaniah 3:17 came immediately to my spirit and I realized that the Lord was indeed "singing, spinning, leaping and shining" as His people praised and worshipped.

Dale followed this with a message from Mark 14 and the worship of Mary as she broke open the alabaster box and anointed the feet of Jesus; this box represented all her hopes and dreams of the future. It was very meaningful for all.

Afterwards there was a time of fellowship with the congregation and then we enjoyed dinner with the Pastor and members of his lovely family. When you pray please mention the names of Pastor Joao (John) Manoel and Pastora Sueli (his precious wife). Pray that God will continue to give them open doors and souls in the area where they minister.

Blessings dear ones!

Dale & Patti

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wow has time begun to fly. We have had a whirl-wind of a week. Patti had the great opportunity to attend a seminar for Women in Ministry. The guest speaker was a dear long time friend that many of you will remember; Mary Fawcett. It was a wonderful day. It was a Tea with all the trimmings and a wonderful edifying message. I was able to take the lady that oversees the women's ministries here at the central church. She was very blessed to make new friends and receive from all that took place.

On Friday Dale and I both hit the streets at 6:30 AM to catch a Taxi and head out to the South Zone where Bill & Mary Fawcett live and we spent a wonderful time visiting with them and hearing about what God is doing in their church and lives. It was an extremely edifying time.

Today we are at the central church; Dale preparing to speak on Sun. AM here in the main church and then he will minister on Sunday evening in our Foursquare church in the area known as Alfaville.

Prayer needs:
The leading of the Holy Spirit in each venue; Transportation: we checked out renting a car before even coming and it was truly cost-prohibitive for us. Pastor Davi has been absolutely remarkable about taking us around to different places; and taxi's are readily available; please pray about this for us, for we do not want to be a drain on people for transportation. It is our desire that all who transport us will be blessed and ministered to.

Dear ones, that is it for now; We want to thank all of you who are supporting us in prayer most of all; we are deeply grateful also for those who have been able to add to their prayer, financial support; our prayer is that God will return to you 100 fold that which you have shared with us.

Our love and joint prayers for Brazil!
Dale & Patti

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear friends and family we are just reeling from all the opportunities to share the graces of Christ with brothers and sisters here in Brazil. We are really leaning on your "intercession" for us and can already feel the support of prayer.

We are reactivating our Portuguese and it is going well; we are already getting around on foot and by occasional Taxi; as well as brothers and sisters in Christ taking us to places we need to go. We are staying in a small but very convenient and adaquate hotel "flat".

Yesterday was Brazilian Father's Day and we started the day celebrating with the Senior pastor (a very old and dear friend and his family) a wonderful lunch and time of fellowship. Then we were here in the Headquarter's church in downtown Sao Paulo; there were around 1200 people in the evening service (their main service) and it was a duration of 3 hours. :) Not quite like our US services. It was a very moving and dramatic event. Many tributes, presentations, dramatic worship dances and DVD presentation and then a message on the "Pillar of Fire" as our guide through life. The pastor here is in the middle of a 7 week series on the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. They have a real live Tabernacle designed with an Ark of the Covenant made by someone in the church. There is a dramatic opening of the service with the pastor dressed as a High Priest and the Ark entering...Wow what creativity.

We will meet with leaders this week to listen to their desires regarding our involvement here in their work.

Please pray for protection and health for all of us. Last night over 500 people hugged and kissed us on the cheeks; I was not near as worried for us as I was for all of them kissing us in the same spot on the cheek...there were 3 known cases of Swine flu in the family of the congregation; so prayer for everyone's health is in order.

We are really enjoying doing all of this together. On this coming Thursday I will go with the leader of Women's Ministries to a seminar for Women in Ministry where a dear and precious Missionary friend will be the main speaker: Mary Fawcett. I can hardly wait to see her and hear her message; for those of you who remember, I know you would love to be there also.

That is all for today; Our love and gratitude to all of you our dear friends and family.

Dale & Patti