Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dear family & friends,

Another few days have passed by and we are perceiving, a little better every day, a deeper understanding of the complicated dynamics of the culture as it has passed through so many changes in the past 18 years.

Some recent painful changes in our own US government's manner of seriously grasping "control" has enabled us now to understand the pain of "disillusionment" that takes place when long hoped for change is prohibited by spiritual forces that keep the door held shut to needed change.

The Brazilian nation has experienced many good and productive changes; the standard of living for the poor and middle class appears to have risen. The "Church" in Brazil has suffered a loss of credibility with true believers due to the insincerity of a few. I say the "Church" because there are branches of nearly every group that have suffered abuse and/or they are experiencing spiritual oppression. It is apparent in many faces that the "joy and innocence" has fled.

It is our hope and prayer that you will join with us in prayer to challenge any powerful abuse that is being experienced by the church and that not only our own "branch" will receive relief but all others as well.

With this said and the invitation issued to join us in concerted prayer, we still rejoice in the "remnant" that remains faithful to the message of the Kingdom of God, and enjoys spreading the Good News wherever they may go.

On a little more serious note and observation today;
Dale & Patti

1 comment:

Vickie said...

Will be praying with and for you.

Miss you friends.