Monday, August 17, 2009

Dear Friends and Family, :)

This past week-end was full of rich ministry opportunities and fellowship with churches and pastors. We were in the central church (SEDE) on Sunday morning for a "teaching" time. Dale taught on Acts chapter 10; it was so well received and we feel the language returning. We have actually spoken Portuguese with our children all of these years "now and then" and have keep a great portion, but upon our return we are remembering so much more.

The Pastor of the central church is such a very dear man and long-time friend. He and his family have gone way out of their way to meet our need of transportation, lodging and they even have provided office space in the church for us to work in. Please pray for Pastor Davi (David) and his precious family. They have made room for us at their table nearly daily and we have felt the warmth of their love and friendship. Please include in your prayers also the other pastoral staff members: Pastor Pedrinho and Pastora Ester; they serve a large congregation of 1200 congregants.

On Sunday night we were in a wonderful and growing work in Alphaville; a community that is somewhat "upper-class". We enjoyed a warm reception and we both had an opportunity to share with the congregation from the Word. As the congregation was worshiping I was so impressed by a mental picture from the Lord; it was a lateral view of the nation of Brazil and it was as though there was a glass ceiling over the country and it was "Sunday night from 6 PM to 8 PM" during this time I became aware that all over the nation tens of thousands of churches were all involve in powerful worship and I saw the Lord "dancing and rejoicing" on the surface of this glass ceiling. He was so excited; the verse from Zephaniah 3:17 came immediately to my spirit and I realized that the Lord was indeed "singing, spinning, leaping and shining" as His people praised and worshipped.

Dale followed this with a message from Mark 14 and the worship of Mary as she broke open the alabaster box and anointed the feet of Jesus; this box represented all her hopes and dreams of the future. It was very meaningful for all.

Afterwards there was a time of fellowship with the congregation and then we enjoyed dinner with the Pastor and members of his lovely family. When you pray please mention the names of Pastor Joao (John) Manoel and Pastora Sueli (his precious wife). Pray that God will continue to give them open doors and souls in the area where they minister.

Blessings dear ones!

Dale & Patti

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