Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear friends and family we are just reeling from all the opportunities to share the graces of Christ with brothers and sisters here in Brazil. We are really leaning on your "intercession" for us and can already feel the support of prayer.

We are reactivating our Portuguese and it is going well; we are already getting around on foot and by occasional Taxi; as well as brothers and sisters in Christ taking us to places we need to go. We are staying in a small but very convenient and adaquate hotel "flat".

Yesterday was Brazilian Father's Day and we started the day celebrating with the Senior pastor (a very old and dear friend and his family) a wonderful lunch and time of fellowship. Then we were here in the Headquarter's church in downtown Sao Paulo; there were around 1200 people in the evening service (their main service) and it was a duration of 3 hours. :) Not quite like our US services. It was a very moving and dramatic event. Many tributes, presentations, dramatic worship dances and DVD presentation and then a message on the "Pillar of Fire" as our guide through life. The pastor here is in the middle of a 7 week series on the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. They have a real live Tabernacle designed with an Ark of the Covenant made by someone in the church. There is a dramatic opening of the service with the pastor dressed as a High Priest and the Ark entering...Wow what creativity.

We will meet with leaders this week to listen to their desires regarding our involvement here in their work.

Please pray for protection and health for all of us. Last night over 500 people hugged and kissed us on the cheeks; I was not near as worried for us as I was for all of them kissing us in the same spot on the cheek...there were 3 known cases of Swine flu in the family of the congregation; so prayer for everyone's health is in order.

We are really enjoying doing all of this together. On this coming Thursday I will go with the leader of Women's Ministries to a seminar for Women in Ministry where a dear and precious Missionary friend will be the main speaker: Mary Fawcett. I can hardly wait to see her and hear her message; for those of you who remember, I know you would love to be there also.

That is all for today; Our love and gratitude to all of you our dear friends and family.

Dale & Patti

1 comment:

Karen said...

P.Patti so awesome to know how your visit to Brazil is going!! You sound wonderful. Miss you Karen